Audience #2
Welcome back to my blog!
So, I've made a post about audience before, however in said post I only really scratched the surface as to who my potential audience would be. Obviously, my magazine is going to be targeted at gamers, but 'gamers' is a very broad term that could use some defining.
First off, lets get an age bracket. As time has progressed the age of average video game players has gotten lower and lower as more young children are introduced to video games before they reach adolescence.
Also, with the explosion of computation technology, games are becoming more and more ambitious per year as the platforms that support them become more and more powerful, this is a very strong appeal factor as more and more people are drawn in to the video game scene every year.
This leads me to believe that my target audience would most likely be within the age range of 13-20. This is a pretty wide bracket, however we must realize just how many teens and young adults actually play games. Go ask a random selection of guys on the street if they've played video games and see what they say.
However, just because someone plays video games does not mean they'll be interested in a magazine about them, for that reason I think maybe 16-20 would be a more realistic actual audience, but my actual TARGET audience is still 13-20 so I can try and reach as many people as possible.
Goodbye, and see you soon with another update!
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