Compulsory Question 1

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Today I will be answering Compulsory Question 1.

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 Hello everyone, my name is David Martinez, my candidate number is 1421, my center number is US154, and today I will be answering compulsory question 1 for my AICE Media Studies Class.

 Compulsory question 1 asks, how does your product use or challenge social conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? My answer to that is, my magazine is in line with the guidelines of a standard magazine, which include a masthead, tag line, cover image, barcode, cover lines, an issue number, and a date. To gain an idea of how these principles are applied by real magazine publishers, I used PCGamer and GAME as an inspiration.

So, let's look at my cover page conventions. When looking at the cover of my magazine, the first thing you notice is the masthead, which is written in the largest font, and is highlighted with black along its border to make it stand out. Above that is the tag line, which describes the main topic of the magazine, in this case the biggest games of 2022. Scattered throughout the cover we also see several cover lines that give the reader an idea of the contents of the magazine before even looking at the contents page. I also included a roundel with an article that had exclusive written to highlight the double page spread feature article. The barcode is also placed at the bottom right as to not draw too much attention to it, and is purposely kept far away from the main attractions of the cover page.

 The first thing we see when we look at the content page is the word content, as just like the title, it is written in a way to draw attention to it. We also see 3 pictures that each correlate to releveant content within the magazine, with respective article page numbers on the top left. The cover page includes the headings of articles clearly visible in a bold font larger than the subheadings. The respective article's page number is also visible for ease of use. Subheadings are also visible which give the reader an idea of the content of the article. Also in the content page we see the feature double page spread article from the cover in a larger font than the regular articles in the table of contents. This is made to draw attention to the article, as the world exclusive is highlighted in red to draw attention. 

And how does my magazine represent social groups and issues? My magazine was targeted towards middle and lower class gamers as a magazine made by gamers for gamers. We see this with one of the articles on the cover line as well as articles within the table of contents that advertise budget computer parts and buyer's guides. It is meant to make the readers of the magazine feel a sense of community as they are reading something that is not written by someone being paid to write it, but rather one of their own.

Thank you. 


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