Double Page Spread Layout

 Welcome back to my blog!

I've finished the layout for my Double Page Spread! I've finished all parts of it except for the feature picture of my interviewee. Here is my almost finished product.

 Though it will be removed, you can see that I put a black line down the center of the page. This was to help me figure out what would be the page boundaries that would in turn create the double page spread effect that I was looking for. There is also a placeholder where my friend's picture will go. I made sure to make this seem as real as possible, so I wanted to fill out much of the page, which I believe I succeeded in doing. There were several inspirations to this layout, which you can find below.

Obviously, these layouts were inspiration and no direct transfer of information was made. I simply used these two as guidance when creating my spread, using their layouts and such for ideas on what I could do for mine.

Goodbye, and see you soon with another update! 


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