
Compulsory Question 4

 Welcome back to my blog! Today I will be answering compulsory question 4. Prezi Presentation: Prezi Video: Transcript   Hello, my name is David Martinez, my candidate number is 1421, my center number is US154, and today I will be answering compulsory question 4 for my AICE Media Studies Class.  Compulsory Question 4 asks, how did you integrate technologies - software, hardware, and online - in this project? To which I have to say, throughout this project, technology in the form of hardware, software, and online websites were heavily ingrained in the entire production of my magazine from the first blog to the entire final magazine. Without technology, I would have been unable to complete any of the tasks required of me. Software such as PhotoShop and the game Elden Ring helped me in the creation of my magazine. PhotoShop allowed me to edit and remove the background of the photos that I too...

Compulsory Question 3

 Welcome back to my blog! Today I will be answering Compulsory Question 3. Prezi Presentation: Prezi Video: Transcript  Hello, my name is David Martinez, my candidate number is 1421, my center number is US154, and today I will be answering compulsory question 3 for my AICE Media Studies Class.  Compulsory question 3 asks, how did your production skills develop throughout this project?  To which I say, while developing my magazine, my skills especially in digital design have improved tremendously. This is obvious when comparing my submissions for the preliminary task compared to the submissions for my final magazine. I have improved my ability to use software such as PhotoShop to edit my photos, and Canva to compose my designs into a working item.  The preliminary task allowed me to dip my feet into the world of magazine creation. I had to gather pictures relevant to the topic, ed...

Compulsory Question 2

 Welcome back to my blog! Today I will be answering Compulsory Question 2 Prezi Presentation: Prezi Video: Transcript  Hello, my name is David Martinez, my candidate number is 1421, my center number is US154, and today I will be answering compulsory question 2 for my AICE Media Studies Class.  Compulsory question 2 asks, how does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? My answer to that is, my magazine would be targeted towards young teenagers aged 16 years of age to young adults around 20 years old. This is due to the fact that though a lot of gamers are very young, much younger than 16, not all of them would be interested in magazines. For that reason, I believe 16 is a reasonable starting age. The same goes the other way around, I believe not many gamers over the age of 20 would be interested in a gaming magazine. However, eve...

Compulsory Question 1

  Welcome back to my blog! Today I will be answering Compulsory Question 1. Prezi Presentation Link: Prezi Video Link: Transcript     Hello everyone, my name is David Martinez, my candidate number is 1421, my center number is US154, and today I will be answering compulsory question 1 for my AICE Media Studies Class.  Compulsory question 1 asks, how does your product use or challenge social conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? My answer to that is, my magazine is in line with the guidelines of a standard magazine, which include a masthead, tag line, cover image, barcode, cover lines, an issue number, and a date. To gain an idea of how these principles are applied by real magazine publishers, I used PCGamer and GAME as an inspiration. So, let's look at my cover page conventions. When looking at the cover of my magazine, the first thing you notice is ...

Final Magazine

  Welcome back to my blog! Finally, I have finished my magazine, and with the completion of the double page spread I can put together all my work into one finalized piece.   Magazine Cover Content Page Double Page Spread Goodbye, and see you soon with another update!

Final Double Page Spread

 Welcome back to my blog! So, with the picture edited and ready to go, I can finally upload it to canva to create my final double page spread, which looks like this!  I'm very happy with how this turned out. I feel like it looks authentic, and I properly used my sources of inspiration to create a well-thought out double page spread. Goodbye, and see you soon with another update! 

Interviewee Picture

Welcome back to my blog! Today I took and edited the my friend's picture in order to make it suitable to go into my magazine. After seeing the picture with it's background removed and how it would look in the magazine, I decided to keep the background for this image, as I believe the dark background goes well with the color scheme of my magazine.  This was the original photo taken  I decided that in order to make the picture look better, I could put it through a filter, which I did. Uploading the picture to Canva and adding the 'Nimbus' filter gave us this:  I like the look of this filter because it improves the overall clarity of the picture, and in my opinion puts more emphasis on the face of my interviewee. Goodbye, and see you soon with another update!  All pictures taken by me and belong to me.